Growing up we all remember having our favorite a snack which was a peanut butter jelly sandwich, which was like our favorite breakfast to go at any time of the year.
SO How Peanut Butter is Made?
Just take 565 gm of peanuts and roast them in a non-stick pan, and then grind the roasted peanuts in a grinder/mixie for 5 minutes first and then again for the 5–10 minutes for the same and there you have a jar of 500gm of natural peanut butter.
So why we use to consume it? because of it just tastes marvelous wether it was in the sandwich or as a flavor in any bar.
Or we knew that it is wonderfully packed with a bunch of nutrients along with it, although some of us might know that it is healthy what does makes peanut butter healthy?
There are countless studies proving the vast health perks associated with Peanut butter
*Rich in Healthy Fats and Protein
Peanut butter is a great source of unsaturated(Healthy Fats) and also has great amount of protein in it, for instance, if you consume 2 tablespoons of peanut butter, you will get 160 calories in which (40gm fats, 7gm protein and 6gm of carbohydrates) will be there.
*Good For Heart Health
Various studies and researches have been showed that consuming peanut butter helps to low/minimize the LDL(Low-density lipoprotein) which is bad cholesterol and helps to elevate the HDL(High-density lipoprotein) which is good cholesterol.
Also, it offers the antioxidant property for the better functioning of a good healthy heart.
*Weight Loss
A spoon of peanut butter is filled with protein, healthy fats, fiber and loaded with vitamin E, B3, B6 and minerals like magnesium, copper, potassium and also rich in dietary fiber which happen to make the body full for a longer period of time. A diet rich in peanut butter resulted in weight loss and less production of hunger hormones.
The consumption of peanut butter in your diet has to show the anti-cancer properties, a research done by the US national library of Medicine shown that Peanuts are the source of beta-sitosterol, a sterol with anticancer properties which helps to prevent the colon, prostate, and breast cancer,The data suggest that peanuts and its products, such as peanut oil, peanut butter, and peanut flour, are good sources of phytosterols.
*Type 2 Diabetes
In type 2 diabetes, your body’s cells aren’t able to respond to the insulin produced as well as they should. In later stages of the disease, your body may also not produce enough insulin, which leads to the excess production of sugar level in your bloodstream leading to type 2 diabetes.
An article published by the British journal of nutrition says that consumption of peanut butter in the morning helps to control the blood sugar levels of the body throughout the day, as peanut butter is rich in a mineral called magnesium which helps the body to maintain the blood sugar levels, as a single serving of peanut butter will contribute to 12% of your daily magnesium requirement.
*Reduce the risk of Gallstone in girls
Gallstones are much more common in girls compared with that of the boys, they are made from cholesterol and bilirubin, which are components of bile within the gallbladder. When these components aggregate, they form stones. The size of gallstones can vary from pebble-sized grainy stones to a large size stone.
Studies have been shown that daily consumption of peanut butter helps to reduce the risk of formation of gallstones in the human body as Peanuts are rich in the beneficial cholesterol-lowering fatty acids and unsaturated fats, such as those in peanuts may reduce the development of gallstones.
There are a lot of brands making peanut butter but finding the right peanut butter is the key to getting all the benefits of peanut butter.
So there are two types of peanut butter in the supermarket shelf, one is non-natural which is peanut butter mixed with hydrogenated oils and preservative which increases its shell life and deteriorate its original(natural) benefits, non-natural peanut butter will always be in the not runny form and will mostly resemble the state like mayonnaise in the room temperature.
whereas the natural peanut butter will be rid of any added hydrogenated oils and preservative, and will always be in the runny form in the room temperature which will give you all the benefits of peanut butter as promised.
1. Add a spoon or two in your smoothies.
2. Apply a spoon of it on your favorite bread(Like we always do)
3. It can be used to garnish your pancakes.
4. Make a salad dressing with Peanut butter.
5. Just have a spoon of it when feeling hungry.
Peanut butter is one of the super nuts by itself as it provides a large bundle of health benefits in a very affordable tag. Go ahead and get a jar of high-quality peanut butter and see what all the fuss is about.

Thus it is important to purchase the right and natural peanut butter, I have attached the link below you can check them out.

